Chef Sammie Cooks with Seagrove kelp

In our search to find the most delicious kelp recipes to share with our customers and fellow seaweed enthusiasts, we ventured down south, way down south to Phoenix, Arizona. Chef Sammie Bykovskiy is a performance chef who owns a meal prep company, Fit Chef Meals which focuses on using fresh, organic, sustainable ingredients to create healthy meals on the go. The perfect partner for a sustainable seaweed farm! 

Chef Sammie created Stuffed Seagrove Kelp Bulbs that are rich and creamy on the inside and crispy with a hint of umami on the outside.

We had the chance to catch up with Chef Sammie after she finished whipping up this flavorful dish and catch her thoughts on using kelp as a sustainable ingredient in her kitchen.  As an at-home seaweed cook, I always love to hear the opinion of a professional!

Chef Sammie graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in Nutrition and then went on to also obtain a culinary arts degree. She has been working in the industry for almost seven years now and has cooked for professional athletes, families, and goal-oriented individuals, helping them live a healthy lifestyle and achieve their goals. Health is at the center of her kitchen and Chef Sammie was excited to work with this new, exciting ingredient that she believes is here to stay in the healthy meals market.

Chef Sammie Bykovskiy | @fitchefsam

Chef Sammie said that the idea for stuffed shells came to her immediately upon opening her box of Seagrove Kelp’s fresh to frozen kelp box as the shape of the shells reminded her of giant pasta shells. Kelp is a healthy alternative to many of the recipes you already know and love! 

The process of preparing the kelp was simple. Chef Sammie blanched the kelp for less than 60 seconds and then submerged them into an ice bath to stop the cooking process. This helps prolong the shelf life and helps to break down the kelp. 

Chef Sammie used both the bulbs and the blades of the kelp in this recipe. The bulbs acted as the “shells” and the blades were chopped and added as a salty umami kick to the cheesy stuffing mixture. She is excited to continue to work with kelp and plans on experimenting with kelp noodles and kelp salad recipes in the near future. Chef Sammie (and Seagrove Kelp Co.!) believes that the future of cooking with nutrient-dense kelp is endless, especially when it comes to the importance of a healthy and balanced diet in today’s world. 

The recipe card for Chef Sammie’s Stuffed Seagrove Kelp Bulbs will be included with donation awards through our Kickstarter, launching soon! 

Visit Chef Sammie on Instagram at @fitchefsam and let her help create the healthiest you!

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