One Resolution to a Healthier You in 2021

2020 has been hard enough on us all, why not make your resolution for 2021 be something you enjoy? Adding kelp to your diet is an easy way to make the health changes you may be looking for while improving the taste and quality of your current meals. Kelp is an amazing source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and has even been labeled as a superfood. The addition of kelp not only makes your meals more nutritious but also more delicious!

There’s a variety of ways to consume kelp; raw, cooked, powdered, or through supplements. At Seagrove Kelp Co. we aim to promote the cooking of raw seaweed in the home. The option of dishes is endless and when all else fails a simple seaweed flake from one of our partners is a quick and simple addition to rice, pasta, soup, or anything else you can think of!

But what makes kelp so nutritious? Well, one of the elements that help make kelp so “super” is the high iodine content, one of the highest natural levels available for consumption. Iodine is an important part of our diet and millions of people across the globe suffer from iodine deficiency. Low iodine can lead to an enlarged thyroid, developmental delays, and poor metabolism. On top of being preventative adding a sufficient amount of iodine to your diet can also boost your brain function and improve energy levels. Couldn’t we all use a little of that after a year in lockdown? 

Kelp acts as a sponge in its ocean environment which is why it is packed full of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A, Vitamin K, folate, magnesium, iron, antioxidants, and calcium are all present in kelp. Therefore, kelp can help to improve stress and inflammation, potentially preventing many illnesses. There are recent studies that suggest seaweed may help prevent certain cancers such as lung cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. 

Adding kelp to your diet can help with weight loss. Kelp contains a natural compound called alginate that has been known to block the enzymes that digest fats, meaning that the gut doesn’t get the chance to absorb the fat. And early studies are showing that kelp has potential in fighting diabetes and obesity. Food that tastes great and can make your pants from college fit better is exactly what we need in 2021, we deserve this!

In Okinawa, Japan where seaweeds have been a staple of the peoples’ diets for millennia, kelp is known as a longevity food. Here, the average lifespan is nearly 90 with far fewer cases of heart disease, cancer, and dementia. Researchers believe that the absence of seaweeds in the average diet plays an important role in the shorter lifespans in Western culture. 

Adding kelp to your diet in 2021 is a great way to hit those health targets while being easy and delicious. If you follow us at Seagrove Kelp Co. we’ll provide you with quick and fun meal ideas so that adding kelp to your pantry can be a great experience for you and your family. Happy New Year friends – let’s make this year the year we all take a step towards the future we want to see.

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“Seaweeds have the potential to be an amazing resource that we can leverage to revolutionize how we live and how we engage with this planet.”