Kelp: The Superfood of the Sea

Kelp: the superfood of the sea. Tide to table nutrition. Sea vegetables. Earth’s new kale. Whatever you want to call it, the health benefits being found in seaweeds are changing Western cultures’ diets for the better. However, this “new” health trend is anything but. Humans have been consuming seaweed and noticeably recognizing the benefits for as long as we have foraged, we’re just now catching up.

There are many reasons kelp is starting to gain momentum as a superfood. Unlike its land based agricultural competition, kelp spends its life flowing in the ocean. Dancing with the tides, soaking up rays from the sun due to photosynthesis as well as all of the nutrient rich seawater running along its long, smooth blades. By the time kelp reaches your table it is stock full of vitamins and nutrients. 

One of the highest natural sources of iodine available, kelp is known to improve thyroid development as well as boost brain function and raise energy levels. Iodine is an important part of our diet and does not occur naturally in most foods, but instead is added with salt. Adding kelp to your diet is an excellent way to substitute your salt intake with a calorie free alternative seeing as a single serving contains 155% of your daily iodine value, according to the FDA. So if 2020 is giving you the sadz then there’s no easier (or healthier!) way to improve your brain function than snacking on a jar of spicy kelp pickles while you binge your favorite show. 

And did we mention vitamins? Kelp contains all the important ones; Vitamin K, vitamin B (most notably, B-12), vitamin A, calcium, iron and magnesium. And that’s not all, kelp is also a great source for those omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fiber. This makes kelp a delightful source of ocean rich nutrients for those with shellfish allergies or choose to be vegan or vegetarian.

At Seagrove Kelp Co. we have a hand in the process starting from the collection of the reproductive material from wild kelp species to the harvesting and delivery of the adult kelp to the processing plant. We know that our kelp is raised in a pollution free environment with little outside disturbances while still having the benefits of growing in its native environment. Seagrove Kelp is a sustainable, Alaskan grown product that maximizes the tremendous nutritional values belonging to food plucked from the salty sea.

But what makes kelp the real superfood of this decade is that despite being incredibly good for your body kelp is also.. Delicious! Take that, kale. 

Superfoods don’t have to be chalky, grainy or otherwise difficult to enjoy. They can be briney, salty, crispy and downright delectable. Throw kelp in a sandwich, snack on kelp pickled or in salty sheets. Brew a cup of kelp tea, have a seaweed salad, sprinkle some dried kelp flakes on your favorite rice dish. The uses for kelp in everyday meals are endless and can be personalized to individual tastes. 

Kitchens across the country are beginning to understand more about the bounty of kelp and the diverse ways that it can be utilized. We all know of the use of kelp in sushi but soon your favorite restaurant may offer more. From soup stocks to seaweed salads chefs are finding a variety of ways to incorporate this new powerhouse of nutrition. Make sure you keep an eye out when ordering curbside to go for seaweed making its way on the menu!

There are so many different variations of kelp and options in how you consume the product that there’s bound to be something you find irresistible. Check out our products page for a few of our favorite recommendations. At home options are as diverse as what you can find eating out, from dried nori strips to salsa and seasonings; kelp belongs in your pantry. Your body will thank you!

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“Seaweeds have the potential to be an amazing resource that we can leverage to revolutionize how we live and how we engage with this planet.”